Blog Posts

Post #1 (03/11/2023)

  • Right now its 6:21 pm and I have been working on this website for about an hour now [update as of 03/12/23: I ended up spending 3 hours working on it hehehe]. I am having so much fun :D This morning I had my Año shift and we (Patrick, Millie, Maddie, Mando, and I) weighed 9 weans (with 4 being known moms)!! Woohoo!

Post #2 (3/23/2023)

  • This morning Allison and I started writing our Ethics paper!!! Yay!! Since my last update I emailed the STARESO researchers and got permission from them to use their temperature data in our Corsica paper :) Submitting my PISCO application tomorrow (AHHHHH!) and then going to Año on Saturday and Monday!

Post #3 (04/29/2023)

  • I got the PISCO field tech position!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! I am really excited to begin that :) Allison and I have a great draft of our paper and the E-seal dive paper is coming together nicely! I’ve been cleaning the dolphin pool more often and have gotten to do enrichment with Donley and Rain twice now….they are so cute >_<